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Your partner in science for end-to-end CRDMO solutions

Leadership Team

 Giuliano Perfetti

Giuliano Perfetti

CEO & Managing Director

Giuliano has over 25 years of experience in the global pharmaceutical industry, as well as diverse businesses, with a focus on Strategy, Commercial and Business Development. His professional journey commenced at Accenture global strategic consulting, where he worked as a Strategy manager, contributing to innovative strategies and transformations for leading pharmaceutical clients.

Later in his career, Giuliano transitioned to AstraZeneca, where he held various leadership roles in Strategy and Sales and Marketing, managing franchises in cardiovascular, respiratory, gastro-intestinal, and pain management. His time at AstraZeneca provided him with extensive experience in navigating the complexities of the pharmaceutical landscape, including Drug Discovery.

In the realm of Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) business, Giuliano made significant contributions to Euticals (now AMRI), AstraZeneca, BI Parma and later served as the Chief Commercial Officer where he played a key part in formulating and executing growth strategies, particularly focusing on the global scale-up of Research and Development (R&D) and commercial service operations. This concerted effort resulted in doubling the company's revenues within a span of four years.

Since 2019, Giuliano has extended his influence as the Chairman of the European Innovation Committee and a Member of the Board at EFCG (European Fine Chemical Group, representing more than 330 R&D and manufacturing sites).

From 2021 onwards, he has taken on the role of the Official co-rapporteur for the European Innovation stream in the EU's 'structured dialogue on security of medicine supply,' under the auspices of the European Commission to deliver the European Pharmaceutical Strategy. Educationally, Giuliano holds a Post Graduate degree in Economics, specializing in Financial Mathematics, from the University of Tor Vergata in Rome, Italy. His commitment to continuous learning is reflected in his participation in several post master management courses, including the Customer Focus program at INSEAD and the Strategy to Value business management course at Cranfield University – School of Management. Giuliano's career journey reflects his dedication to the pharmaceutical industry, contributing to its growth and development within the European and global context.
