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Your CRDMO Partner in Science
Jubilant Biosys announce strategic joint venture with Pierre Fabre to acquire its R&D centre in France, to enter into Biologics (mABs) and ADCs
Our partner ‘Inipharm’ has announced the initiation of clinical trials with a compound that was discovered at our integrated drug discovery site, Bengaluru.
Authors: Sven Ruf, Sridharan Rajagopal, Sanjay Venkatachalapathi Kadnur, Mahanandeesha S. Hallur, Shilpa Rani, Rajendra Kristam, Srinivasan Swaminathan, Bharat Ravindra Zope, Pavan Kumar Gondrala, Indu Swamy, V. P. Rama Kishore Putta, Saravanan Kandan, Gernot Zech, Herman Schreuder, Christine Rudolph, Ralf Elvert, Joerg Czech, Swarnakumari Birudukota, M. Amir Siddiqui, Niranjan Naranapura Anand, Vishal Subhash Mane, Sreekanth Dittakavi, […]
Jubilant Biosys Limited announced today, an expansion of its facilities to support its discovery chemistry and in-vitro ADME Service offerings.